This salad is a favorite of guest writer, Lauren Hidalgo, and is delicious when summer fruit is at its peak. If you’ve never used halloumi, you are in for a treat. This mild tasting Greek cheese has a high melting point that makes it perfect for grilling. Look for it at Whole Foods or a market specializing in Middle Eastern foods.
Serves 4
- 1 purple onion
- 1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
- granulated sugar or agave syrup
- chili pepper flakes
- basic vinaigrette (if possible use a dark balsamic or fruit-flavored vinegar)
- ripe stone fruit of choice such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, or plums (1 to 3 fruits per person, depending on the size)
- olive oil
- 1 package halloumi cheese
- washed and dried arugula, about 8 cups (torn if the leaves are large)
- At least one hour in advance, peel and thinly slice purple onion (if you have a cuisinart, use your thinnest blade) Place onion slices in a bowl, and add 1/2 cup water, rice wine vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar or a generous squirt of agave syrup, and a shake or two of pepper flakes. Stir well with fork, and taste the liquid. It should be vinegary and slightly sweet. Adjust seasonings and liquids until you find a pleasant taste. Stir periodically.
- Whisk up vinaigrette and set aside.
- Preheat grill to medium. Cut fruit of choice and remove pits. Lightly rub cut side with olive oil.
- Slice halloumi into 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices
- When grill is hot, carefully place fruit on the grill, cut-side down, and cook until medium brown grill marks form, and fruit is a bit soft to touch. (For best results use a grill pan for smaller fruits like apricots and plums)
- In the meantime, cook halloumi on a grill pan until lightly browned.
- Drain onions, and pat with paper towels until dry.
- To assemble salad whisk the vinaigrette and adjust seasonings to taste, then gently toss with arugula, using only enough dressing to thoroughly coat the leaves. Place the arugula on individual plates and top with onions, fruit (grilled side up) and halloumi.