Holiday Cookies: Comfort in the Tried and True

While baking holiday cookies doesn’t involve local produce (my usual subject), it includes other locally-sourced ingredients; for starters there’s dairy and nuts (sometimes walnuts from our own backyard trees).  Humanely-raised Glaum Rancheggs are cracked into the mixing bowl (they arrive each week in our farm bag delivery).  Sometimes we drizzle organic honey that’s produced in a gnarly, old fruit orchard nestled in a nearby Sunnyvale neighborhood (available only from Freshness Farms).  Plus we’re making the goodies ourselves — no packaging or long-distance shipping.  Now that’s local.  The best part is the pleasure that permeates a kitchen full of busy bakers humming to holiday music as they mix, measure (and taste) — no “bah, humbug” around these parts.








Tradition guides our cookie choices. From time to time we’ll experiment with something new, but we tend to stick with the tried-and-true favorites — the buttery morsels that exude holiday spirit with each bite. It’s like each year playing the same beloved, if worn, soundtrack featuring Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole. Or reading the familiar stack of red-jacketed Christmas books (passages are recited from memory after so many years). Yes, it’s predictable, but this is how we slip into the festive mood. Cookies are no different. Memories are the motivation not just nutty crumbs and rich, butter-blitzed flavor. Though we tuck into each tender bite with a satisfied smile.


This year’s line-up:

Nutty Russian Teacakes don’t breathe in while you bite or you’ll set a powdered-sugar-induced coughing fit in motion) from my mother’s classic 1950 Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook (we haven’t tried much else from this tattered tome — titles like Macaroni Mousse and Chow Mein Loaf scare us a bit).  Try adding some cocoa and espresso powder for a kicky version that draws from the classic, but boasts a decidedly modern taste.

Almond-flavored pressed Spritz (our baking partner, Christy brings the equipment) with elaborate sprinkle decorations.

Since we never get enough of the chocolate-coffee partnership there’s addictive Espresso Brownies (one of our favorites — thanks, Jane).

Peppermint-Chocolate Drops — what’s more classic than this flavor combo?

Cut-out Sugar Cookies — like the spritz, decorated with intricate sprinkle designs, in wintery shapes like snowmen, candy canes and stars.

A pot of tea and glasses of cold milk are ready as the first sheets emerge from the oven.  Bite-sized heaven.

Happy New Year to all…

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