Sometimes life feels more like a race to the finish line than anything else. Like a cross country ski marathon on slushy snow or a face-first ride on a skeleton sled at 80 mph. On the craziest days, we might as well be careening over a ski cross jump—one minute we’re in gold medal form, the next, a jumbled mass in the ditch. It’s exhausting. Terrifying. Unpredictable. And more. Our to-do list spans multiple pages, but all we really hope for is a clean pair of pants—without too many wrinkles—and a jug of milk in the fridge—that’s not too far past the freshness date—to start the day. These are times when texting family members in the next room seems perfectly normal. When dishes pile in the sink and dirty clothes in the corner, and no one notices. Clearly, we’re just trying to hang on, and at the end of the day, what we need is food on the table without a crash. Food that’s soul-soothing—because really, that’s what’s getting us through this patch in one piece.
These are enchilada days. With a bit of homework done ahead (Olympic gold isn’t won without the training runs), the classic tortilla bundles are a cinch to pull together, and receive raves around a hungry table. How perfect is that?